ALICANTE: ‘Diferente a los demás’ with impro at the piano

ALICANTE: Sala Altamira, Universidad de Alicante Av. de Ramón y Cajal, 4, Alicante, Alicante

....One of my favorite things to do in life is improvising with the piano on silent movies. Use them as a video-score for my creations. I have been doing it since 2003, at the Strade del Cinema festival (Italian Alps), for more than 20 years now, and I have often done it at the International […]

MANZANARES EL REAL: ‘Tableau sonant’ with Susana Guerrero

Gran CoroDelantal works this June with sculptor Susana Guerrero, for perfectioning our show Tableau sonant. Boca faringe tórax, this time in Manzanares el Real, a village in the north of Madrid that rests in astonishing mountain La Pedriza.     From this link you can see the  ver el work that we did together last […]

MADRID: Talk on CoroDelantal @ the Musical Library

MADRID: Biblioteca Musical Victor Epinós C. del Conde Duque, 11, Madrid, Madrid

The Musical Library of Madrid organizes this talk by Sonia Megías on CoroDelantal (aprons chorus): 'CoroDelantal: 13 años de experimentación vocal' in its headquarters inside Centro Cultural Conde Duque. Don't miss it!

MANHATTAN (NY): Premiere of “La grandeza”, for 7 female voices

NUEVA YORK: St. John's in the Village 218 W 11th Street, Manhattan, New York, New York

Dúa de Pel and Accord Treble Choir, conducted by Liz Geisewite, premiere the last piece by Dúa de Pel: LA GRANDEZA   It will be the closing piece of the first part of concert URGENT EARTH, an event on enviromental consciousness. Buy your ticket here!


MADRID: ‘Alzo aquí’ by Coro Nur

MADRID: Colego mayor Chaminade Paseo de Juan XXIII, 9, Madrid, Madrid

Inspired piece Alzo aquí, created on a poem by Mayan shaman Gustavo Pineda and dedicated to José Manuel López Blanco, will be sung by the second time by Coro Nur, the group that José Manuel formed some years ago, and his main project.

ORGAZ: ‘Alzo aquí’ by Coro Nur

ORGAZ: Iglesia de Santo Tomás Plaza Mayor, Orgaz, Toledo

On May 11, Coro Nur (light, in Arabic), founded by great conductor José Manuel López Blanco, sings in public for the first time my piece Alzo aquí, dedicated to José Manuel to accompany him in his transit of leaving the body. Lyrics are created by Mayan shaman Gustavo Pineda, from El Salvador, and are an […]

MADRID: ‘SoLnatina’ by Rosa Torres-Pardo, National Auditorium

MADRID: Auditorio Nacional de Música Calle del Príncipe de Vergara, 146, Madrid, Madrid

  The National Auditorium of Music has programmed pianist Rosa Torres-pardo in this tribute to Alicia de Larrocha. The program includes my piece SoLnatina, written in 2001. The piece has been played many times by Rosa's hands around the world. Along with my piece, others by Menndelsohn, Mompou or Soler.   Buy your tickets HERE


ALICANTE: Closing CoroDelantal MACA 2023/24 with Llorenç Barber and Montse Palacios

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante We had the big fortune at our Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA) of receiving historical figures from the performance art and experimental music in Spain Llorenç Barber and Montserrat Palacios. We performed together in differents points from the building and give a talk on our projects and worries. We are happy because […]

SANTA POLA: Coral salado 1

SANTA POLA: Acuario Municipal Plaza de Fernandez Ordoñez, s/n, Santa Pola, Alicante

For the first time, CoroDelantal sings inside an aquarium. Don't miss it! This will be at the Town Aquarium of Santa Pola, that belongs to the Museum of the Sea. We'll sing to the nine fish tanks, where we can find all kinds of species coming from Santa Pola Bay: Cantaremos a las nueve peceras, […]

SANTA POLA: ‘SoLnatina’ by Rosa Torres-Pardo, Museo del Mar

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

      The Baluarte del Duque Auditorium, part of Santa Pola Sea Museum, hosts a great concert by Rosa Torres-Pardo. The pianist makes a tribute to Alicia de Larrocha with it. Included in the program is my SoLnatina, a youth piece that the pianist has had in her repertoire for years. Along with my […]

MADRID: Dúa de Pel + Trío Ilca @ Sala Clamores

MADRID: Sala Clamores C. de Alburquerque, 14, Madrid, Madrid

  Buy your tickets HERE   We'll sing with Trío Ilca: - Margherita Marseglia, violin - Octavio de Juan, viola - Cecilia Martínez, violoncello   You can have a taste of the concert by watching our most recent collaboration, that was in Santa Pola on last November 2023:


MADRID: “Music and feminism”, together with Marisa Manchado

MADRID: Mujeres y compañia C. de Ercilla, 32, Madrid, Madrid

Bookstore 'Mujeres y compañía' offers this conversation on feminism and music by women composers Marisa Manchado and Sonia Megías. We'll sell some books and cds coordinated by each of us.

VALENCIA: CoroDelantal @ CCCC

VALENCIA: Centre del Carme C/ Museo, nº 2, Valencia, Valencia

Gran CoroDelantal & friends presents the edible score Templo @ Centro del Carmen, as a tribute to composer Llorenç Barber for his 75th birthday. The piece was written by Sonia Megías in 2018 as a commission by magazine Quodlibet. This piece was a present to Valencian composer for his 70º birthday. After performing Templo, we'll […]

ALICANTE: ‘Tableau sonant’ with artist Susana Guerrero

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

CoroDelantal MACA from Alicante has a new resident artist on this Winter 2024! She is Susana Guerrero: sculptor, painter, witch... She's experimenting on us next weekend March 2nd-3rd. The show will be on Sunday noon and our show has this super-name: Tableau sonant. Tórax-Faringe-Boca   Come to the Contemporary Art Museum of Alicante. You'll exit […]

MADRID: ‘Embrace & Breathe’ @ MNCARS

Auditorio 400 del MNCARS Calle Santa Isabel, 52, Madrid, Madrid

Cadiz Festival 'Women Composers Workshop', coordinated by Pilar Jurado, presents the commissioned pieces in 2023 at the Auditorio 400 at the National Museum of Contemporary Art Reina Sofía.

MADRID: Exhibition Barce/Megías

MADRID: Galería Ra del Rey C/ La Reina, 11, Madrid, Madrid

Music scores exhibition of two composers: Ramón Barce and Sonia Megías @ Ra del Rey Art Gallery Víctor Pliego, curator.   Pieces will be exposed along with creative processes documents: Siala by Ramón Barce Sshhcrack! by Sonia Megías Oleadas by Ramón Barce Puerta colgada del vacío by Sonia Megías   We'll organize concerts, talks, workshops […]

Festival Gilbert de Villancicos

Música de Navidad del compositor estadounidense John Gilbert. Sonia Megías, arreglos. Cantan: CoroDelantal MACA junto al alumnado de Coro y de Canto del Conservatorio Superior de Alicante. Piano: Marta Asenjo. Coordinación y dirección coral: Inma Dolón y Sonia Megías. Concierto 1. Domingo, 17 de diciembre Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante Concierto 2. Lunes, […]

CÁDIZ: My music @ the Women Composers Workshop

CÁDIZ: Gran Teatro Falla Pl. Falla, 1, Cádiz, Cádiz

Premiere of my piece 'Embrace & Breathe', for video and 3 performers. Commissioned by the National Center of Music. The video has Carlos Cueto's animation and Pepe Gimeno's dramaturgic assesment.  

SANTA POLA: ‘Fracturas vocales’ por el CoroDelantal MACA

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

    CoroDelantal MACA along with choreographers Asun Noales and Federica Fasano will make a performance on the exhibition 'Fracturas vitales' (Vital crackings) by the Mexican artist Leonor Hochschild. The show will be free for the audience and very stimulating. Looking forward!

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Dúa de Pel + Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Teatro Cervantes Calle Soledad, 2, Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real

    Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha with Dúa de Pel present their show 'Picasso no acaba nunca' (Picasso Never Ends), in which my 'Danzas migrantes' will be included, both pieces with Teresa Manzanero at the accordion. It will be marvelous!


SANTA POLA: ‘Plexo y cordal’ de Dúa de Pel + trío Ilca

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

    Trio Ilca is composed by three great musicians from the province of Alicante: Cecilia Martínez, violoncello Margherita Marseglia, violin Octavio de Juan, viola They're accompanying Dúa de Pel with my arrangments in this free super-concert that's going to happen at the Santa Pola's castle, a 16th Century building. Wonderful!

VALENCIA: Book presentation ‘Jardí de sonoritats’

VALENCIA: Sede de la SGAE Calle de la Blanquería, 6, Valencia, Valencia

                      Music book Jardí de sonoritats sees the light! It's a fantastic pedagogical book coordinated by cello professor Elena Solanes with the participation of composers Nuria Núñez Hierro, Sonia Megías, Miguel Ángel Berbis, J.J. Peña Aguayo y Vicente Roncero. Cover is made by artists María Aranguren […]

VALENCIA: My music @ Almudí Palace

VALENCIA: L'Almodí Plaza San Luis Bertrán, 1, Valencia, Valencia

      If you want to get the ticket the same day of the concert, you must go to Almodí an hour before the event. Cambra al Palau (Concert 21) CONSUELO HUESO, soprano RENATA CASERO, piano with Quinteto Casulana's collaboration   Program: Procesión ¿Te acuerdas? .................................. Sonia Megías Homenajes .................................. Ángeles López Artiga Cançons […]


SANTA POLA: Collaboration with Consorci de Museus

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

As an ending of the Experimental Voice workshop, we'll make the 'XXII Procesión Armónica' and also an intervention to contemporary art exhibition 'Memòria d'un espai propi'.  


SANTA POLA: Workshop on vocal experimentation

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

Cultural Association Millor-Art, from Santa Pola, organizes along with Museo del Mar this workshop on vocal experimentation. The workshop is an approach to the work that I make with CoroDelantal, and consists on three rehearsals and a final show. The goal is liberating our voice and express ourselves through it. Se llevará a cabo en […]


SANTA POLA: Workshop on vocal experimentation

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

Cultural Association Millor-Art, from Santa Pola, organizes along with Museo del Mar this workshop on vocal experimentation. The workshop is an approach to the work that I make with CoroDelantal, and consists on three rehearsals and a final show. The goal is liberating our voice and express ourselves through it. Se llevará a cabo en […]


SANTA POLA: Workshop on vocal experimentation

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

Cultural Association Millor-Art, from Santa Pola, organizes along with Museo del Mar this workshop on vocal experimentation. The workshop is an approach to the work that I make with CoroDelantal, and consists on three rehearsals and a final show. The goal is liberating our voice and express ourselves through it. Se llevará a cabo en […]


UNCASTILLO: Dúa de Pel con cine mudo

UNCASILLO: Iglesia de San Miguel Pl. del Mercado, 9, Uncastillo, Zaragoza

    Dúa de Pel improvisa sobre 'Campesinas de Ryazan', la primera película soviética feminista de la historia del cine, dirigida por Olga Preobrazhenskaya & Iván Pravov. Esto se da en las XXI Jornadas de Cine Mudo de Uncastillo. Medios: 2023'VI'23. Las XXI Jornadas de Cine Mudo de Uncastillo se celebrarán del 30 de junio […]

MADRID: ‘Maximal voices’ @ Internacional Institute

MADRID: Instituto Internacional Americano Calle de Miguel Ángel, 8, Madrid, Madrid

Gran CoroDelantal performs minimal and post-minimal pieces at the International Institute of Madrid, along with students from the Public Music School 'María Dolores Pradera'. Tickets

depending on the age

ONLINE: Dúa de Pel concert

YouTube de Dua de Pel

  You can join the concert from the following link:

VALENCIA: ‘Sonata ‘ @ CMCVaCasa exhibition

VALENCIA: Centre del Carme C/ Museo, nº 2, Valencia, Valencia

Sonata, video-score cocreated by Eva Lootz and Sonia Megías, with motion graphics by Carlos Cueto, takes part of the exhibition CMCVaCasa, by the Consorci de Museus de la Comunitat Valenciana. Online exhibition Piece 'Sonata' Opening: 'Sonata' teaser:

MADRID: 3ª perlita de vanguardia, con el documental ‘Mujeres Artistas Incandescentes’

MADRID: Galería Ra del Rey C/ La Reina, 11, Madrid, Madrid

CoroDelantal's 3rd Avant-garde Pearl at art gallery Ra del Rey, in Madrid, is bringing the presentation of documentary  Mujeres Artistas Incandescentes, along with some choral interventions. CoroDelantal is very present at the documentary and part of the sountrack is made by us. Mujeres Artistas Incandescentes is a video-art documentary by Mairea Seguí Buenaventura, who interviews […]

ALICANTE: Presentación de ‘Mujeres Artistas Incandescentes’ junto al CoroDelantal MACA

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

Mujeres Artistas Incandescentes is a documentary-videoart by Mairea Seguí Buenaventura, on different artists from several disciplines. It's made under a feminist perspective.   Artists: Ana Buenaventura Concha Jerez Esther Ferrer Inma Herrera José Rubio Mira María Mallo Nadja Jamard Narelle Jubelin Vera Cháves Yolanda Domínguez Noemí Martínez Ana Mampaso Paula Valero Shirin Salehi Sonia Megías […]

SANTA POLA: ‘Picasso Remix’ by CoroDelantal MACA

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

Exhibition (it will last up to April 18th, at least): Inside exhibition Picasso 50, organized by gallery Art Luxury (Milano) with Museo del Mar, CoroDelantal MACA performs every piece with our sounds and movements.

ALICANTE: ‘Udnámekam’ @ Felicidad Sánchez center

ALICANTE: Centro social comunitario Felicidad Sánchez Avinguda de Alcalde Lorenzo Carbonell, 58, Alicante, Alicante Udnámekam (Always, in Sumerian) is one of educational pieces by Dúa de Pel. Come an enjoy it next April! Invitations can be booked from March 17th 2023 from this link.

MADRID: ‘Las diosas y el cuplé’ @ Espacio en blanco

MADRID: Espacio en Blanco Calle Mira el Sol, 5, Madrid, Madrid

You can book your tickets now for this great show! The most underground experience you'll pass by! Saturday March 11th at 8:30 pm Sunday March 12th at 12:30 pm  


LORCA: All pieces by Sonia Megías for piano

LORCA: Conservatorio profesional de musica 'Narciso Yepes' C. Abad de los Arcos, 2, Lorca, Murcia

Concert/talk of Sonia Megías' whole production for piano Organized by professor Acacia Rico Valero

MADRID: Estreno del documental ‘Mujeres artistas incandescentes’

MADRID: EIMA C/ Clemente Fernández, 56, Madrid, Madrid

In this documentary film, Mairea Seguí Buenaventura explores the heritage of women artists from the 1960s to now. Using works from the Frac Centre-Val de Loire collection, as well as encounters with videographers, architects, and photographers in France and Spain, the artist provides an immersion in the environments of militant creation and collective experimentation. This […]

VIGO: ‘Tango nº 2’ @ Professional Conservatory

VIGO: Conservatorio Profesional de Musica Rúa Felipe Prósperi, 3, Vigo, Pontevedra

Professors Susana Pérez Otero (piano) and Oscar Rodríguez Calvo (double bass) will play my most performed piece ever: Tango nº 2, from series Tres tangos.

ALCÁZAR DE SAN JUAN: Premiere of ‘Pequeña suite peninsular’ for plectrum quintet

ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN: Conservatorio Profesional de Musica C. Jesús Romero, 1, Alcázar de San Juan, Ciudad Real

My Pequeña suite peninsular, one of my most perfored creations, is originally written for wind quintet. Professor  Fernando Bustamante asked me to adapt ir for plectrum quintet and this will be this version's premiere. Performers at the premiere: María Jiménez (mandolin) Sara García (mandolin) Ariadna Vargas (mandolin) Fernando Bustamante (mandola) Naim García (guitar) Antonio Pintado […]

ALICANTE: ‘Suite migrante’ by the plectrum orchestra

ALICANTE: Salon de Actos Monte Tossal Parque Monte Tossal, Alicante, Alicante

The plectrum orchestra made by plectrum students in Alicante, and conducted by cuban mandolin player Maryla Díaz performs on March 7th for of my Danzas migrantes, for plectrum orchestra with wind and percussion.

ALICANTE: World premiere of Elena Asins’ Cantos de Orfeo

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

The Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA) produces this performance art piece that has Laura Tejeda, Bartolomé Ferrando and Alain Goudard as soloists, and the CoroDelantal MACA as chorus, conducted by Sonia Megías. 'Cantos de Orfeo' by artist Elena Asins are a series of phonetic poems that explore the myth of Orpheus and Euridice […]

VALENCIA: Dúa de Pel @ festival Vociferio

VALENCIA: Centre del Carme C/ Museo, nº 2, Valencia, Valencia

The Vociferio festival, coordinated by David Transhumante at the Centro del Carmen Cultura Contemporánea, is the most important in the Valencian Community as far as poetry is concerned. We will be there with Dúa de Pel giving it all!

MADRID: ‘SoLnatina’ by Rosa Torres-Pardo @ Teatro de la Zarzuela

MADRID: Teatro de la Zarzuela Calle de Jovellanos, 4, Madrid, Madrid

Pianista Rosa Torres-Pardo performs the Coral of my SoLnatina for the Gala Mujeres del Instituto de las Mujeres del Ministerio de Igualdad. Media: 2023'II'28. La Tinta de Almansa - La almanseña Sonia Megías, ovacionada en un acto del Ministerio de Cultura e Igualdad en el Teatro de la Zarzuela 2023'II'23. Melómano digital - ‘Gala […]

ALICANTE: “The Geometry of Strings” by CoroDelantal + Alicia Narejos

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante   The workshop consists of an encounter between movement, sound and matter. A work of plasticity, which will bring to the scale of human bodies the grids, cradles and other geometries of Eva Lootz's string figures. How will the patterns of play, their nature, and the string itself influence the voice and the […]

MADRID: 1st Avant-garde Pearl, by CoroDelantal

MADRID: Galería Ra del Rey C/ La Reina, 11, Madrid, Madrid

Program: Ursonate (1932) …….…… Kurt Schwitters Coral hablado (1966) …… Ramón Barce Sonia Megías, conductor

ALICANTE: Concierto de Solsticio de Invierno del CoroDelantal MACA

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

Ever since human beings became astronomically aware, they have celebrated solstices and equinoxes with festivities full of rituals of all kinds. The Church would appropriate these dates calling them Christmas, St. John, St. Joseph or La Merced, but we must not forget their pagan origin. In this winter solstice concert, CoroDelantal MACA takes us into […]

MADRID: Premiere of ‘Sonata’, video-score co-created with Eva Lootz

MADRID: Círculo de Bellas Artes C. de Alcalá, 42, Madrid, Madrid

Gran CoroDelantal premieres the video-score Sonata, co-created by Eva Lootz and Sonia Megías. This will be at the Círculo de Bellas Artes Cultural Center in Madrid. Eva Lootz was our invited artist at the CoroDelantal MACA (Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante) during Winter 2022 workshop. Sonata's motion graphics are by Carlos Cueto.

MADRID: ‘Bueno por conocer. 14’ by Gran CoroDelantal

MADRID: Instituto Internacional Americano Calle de Miguel Ángel, 8, Madrid, Madrid

Gran CoroDelantal, formed by members of the CoroDelantal of New York, Madrid and Alicante, will perform this event at the American International Institute. The show will be composed of sound walks, tactile scores, video scores... We will count as soloists with pianist Rosa Torres-Pardo and soprano Ana Zurita.   Gran CoroDelantal en el CIMAR de […]

ALICANTE: Dúa de Pel @ Directos al Alma Festival

ALICANTE: Flow espacio vivo C. Pintor Murillo, 39, Local, Alicante, Alicante

                          ◾ SUNDAY, December 11th at 7 pm ◾At FLOW Espacio Vivo (39, Pintor Murillo st., Alicante) ◾15€/ Booking @ Info: ✉️ 📞625 312 763 (Cintia)


MADRID: ‘Las diosas y el cuplé’ @ Espacio en Blanco

MADRID: Espacio en Blanco Calle Mira el Sol, 5, Madrid, Madrid

  LAS DIOSAS Y EL CUPLÉ (godesses and couplet): The most unusual show you will ever see. In Madrid, in December. By Aldegunda Vegara and Señorita Megías.   Tickets only in advance: 15 € en   (Photos: Ela Rabasco (Ela R que R) @ Sala Duncan, Madrid)


MADRID: ‘Las diosas y el cuplé’ @ Espacio en Blanco

MADRID: Espacio en Blanco Calle Mira el Sol, 5, Madrid, Madrid

  LAS DIOSAS Y EL CUPLÉ (godesses and couplet): The most unusual show you will ever see. In Madrid, in December. By Aldegunda Vegara and Señorita Megías.   Tickets only in advance: 15 € en   (Photos: Ela Rabasco (Ela R que R) @ Sala Duncan, Madrid)


SANTA POLA: CoroDelantal MACA @ Museo del Mar

SANTA POLA: Museo del Mar Castillo Fortaleza, Santa Pola, Alicante

CoroDelantal MACA (Aprons chorus from the Contemporary Art Museum of Alicante) has been rehearsing for some days at the Sea Museum of Santa Pola, that has its headquarters in a fantastic building from the 16th Century:   We'll give a concert there on November 29th as a thanks-giving act!

SANTA POLA: CoroDelantal residency @ CIMAR

SANTA POLA: Centro de Investigaciones Marinas Partida Bancal de la Arena, 35, Alicante, Alicante   The Center for Sea Research (CIMAR) of Santa Pola hugs CoroDelantal Madrid and CoroDelantal MACA in an artistic residency the weekend of 11-12-13 de november. We'll show our work on Sunday at 5:00 pm, called 'Rebañando la orilla' (a word play about sheeps with bells and the sea) in wich surprising things will […]

ZARAGOZA: Dúa de Pel @ Musara

ZARAGOZA: Centr Civico La Almozara Av. de la Prta de Sancho, 30, Zaragoza, Zaragoza

Media: 2022'XI'2 - Zaragoza Noticias. Musara Música: Cuatro conciertos llenan de folk el centro cívico de La Almozara - Europapress Aragón. El ciclo 'Musara Música' llena de folk el centro cívico de La Almozara, en noviembre

MADRID: “The Time in a Thread” @ VANG Festival

MADRID: Centro+centro Plaza Cibeles, 1A, Madrid, Madrid

German ensemble 'Die Ordnung der Dinge' (The order of things), conducted by Spanish composer Íñigo Giner Miranda, will perform my piece The Time in a Thread at VANG Concert Series of avant-garde, currently conducted by José Pablo Polo. Media: 2022'II'10: Conciertos gratuitos en Centrocentro, comienza la quinta temporada de VANG, en Revista de arte

GRANADA: Opening of the Sonia Megías Library

GRANADA: Conservatorio Privado Orfeo Av. de Andalucía, 10 bis, Granada, Granada

A great honor to have a library with my name! From 20th-22nd October 2022 we'll have a series of concerts and workshops to celebrate the opening of the SONIA MEGÍAS LIBRARY in Granada, at the south of Spain! In this library you can find all my books and materials from my years of studying and […]

ALICANTE: Monographic concert @ SoniArt

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

Lumina Ensemble is a group that has the sax quartet as the base, with performers José Antonio Suay, Javier Carrillos, Isaac Verdú and Pablo de la Fuente. This ensemble produces a contemporary music festival called SoniArt at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA), made from monographic concerts. In this case, they'll premiere my […]

ALICANTE: Dúa de Pel @ Fahrenheit 451

ALICANTE: Librería Fahrenheit 451 C/ Taquigrafo Martí, 2, Alicante, Alicante

h For the second time, our duet will sing in this fantastic bookstore of Alicante.


LEIPZIG: ‘Aria de Gea’ @ Mendelssohn Haus

LEIPZIG: Mendelssohn Haus Goldschmidtstraße 12, Leipzig

As a part of their project Women in Music, mezzosoprano Anna Tonna and pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro perform at the Iberoamerican Institut of Berlin my Aria de Gea, part of the eco-cantata Somos naturaleza, with libretto by Eva Guillamón. You can watch some videos of the piece in this link. The concert has music from […]

BERLIN: ‘Aria de Gea’ @ the Iberoamerican Institut

BERLÍN: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Potsdamer Str. 37, Berlin, Berlin

    As a part of their project Women in Music, mezzosoprano Anna Tonna and pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro perform at the Iberoamerican Institut of Berlin my Aria de Gea, part of the eco-cantata Somos naturaleza, with libretto by Eva Guillamón. You can watch some videos of the piece in this link. The concert has […]

ALMANSA: 20º aniversario de Tablas Teatro

ALMANSA: Jardines del Ayuntamiento Plaza Santa María, 2, Almansa

In the events of the company Tablas Teatro's 20th anniversary, for which I composed the music of La malquerida (2002) for singer and ensemble, and that of La mitad del camino (2007), for soloists, choir, orchestra and rock band, a fragment of each will be performed: - 'Si pudiera' - 'Almansaf'. The concert will be […]

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Dúa de Pel @ ‘Arte entre gigantes’

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: El Pósito Pl. Pósito, 5, Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real

Media: 2022'VI'30: - III Edición del Festival y Curso ‘Arte Entre Gigantes’: un sueño quijotesco convertido en realidad. Mancha Media. 2022'VI'29: - Llega a Campo de Criptana la III Edición del Festival Arte entre Gigantes. El Semanal de La Mancha. 2022'VI'27: - Campo de Criptana albergará en agosto la tercera edición de ‘Arte entre Gigantes’. […]

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: ‘SoLnatina’ by Isabel Dobarro

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea R. de Ramón del Valle-Inclán, 2, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

Pianista Isabel Dobarro performs my music and music by other women composers. After the concert there's a talk by all of us. Some pics: Media: 2022'VIII'05: · Isabel Pérez Dobarro, pianista: "Hay que visibilizar la composición actual para mantender la música clásica viva" por La Voz de Galicia · Actuación estelar de Isabel Pérez Dobarro, […]

RODALQUILAR: ‘SoLnatina’ by Rosa Torres-Pardo

RODALQUILAR: Patio de los espartales Calle Bocamina, 3, Rodalquilar, Almería

A tribute to Miguel Muñiz opens this year the Festival Clásicos en el parque. It wil be performed by Miguel's widow, great pianist Rosa Torres-Pardo, who will play my pieces among other composers'.

EIBAR: Premiere of ‘Suite migrante’

EIBAR: Eibarko Egoitza Zentroa (Complejo Residencial de Estudiantes) Otaola Hiribidea, 29, Eibar, Gipuzkoa

  On July 3 will be premiered my piece Suite migrante, for accordions orchestra, commissioned by the Hauspoz Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea (Basque Association of Accordionists) for their young accordionists summer camp in Eibar (Guipuzkoa, Basque Country). The work is a suite of four dances based on Danzas migrantes, originally written for plectrum orchestra.

MADRID: My musica at Teatro de la Zarzuela

MADRID: Teatro de la Zarzuela Calle de Jovellanos, 4, Madrid, Madrid

Pianist Mario Prisuelos will play my pieces Gatita and Cubanía nº 1 at the Festival 'Mujeres con Ñ' organized by Teatro de la Zarzuela.   Media: 2021'VI'08 - Doce Notas magazine: La zarzuela presenta una temporada más necesaria que nunca  

MADRID: Ritual del CoroDelantal en La Caja Negra

As part of the exhibition Centzontlahtoleh, the languages that speak to us, by Eva Lootz, at the art gallery La caja negra in Madrid, CoroDelantal performs a ritualistic invocation to the native languages of Latin America that are extinct or in danger of extinction, to contribute to bring them back.   Pictures:

VALENCIA: ‘TuttleHead’ as a work-in-progress

VALENCIA: La Nau, claustro de la Universidad de Valencia Carrer de la Universitat, 2, Valencia, Valencia

Spanish premiere of the first half of TuttleHead, for strings quartet. You can listen to this part of the piece played by the Jack Quartet (New York) in 2012:

VILLAJOYOSA: ‘Tres tangos’ @ Casamúsica

VILA JOIOSA: A. C. Casamúsica Carrer Arxius, La Vila Joiosa, Alicante

Duet made by Nacho Solana and Paqui Fornet is premiering the version of my Tres tangos for soprano sax and piano.

ASUNCIÓN: X Mono+Graphic (march-may 2022)

ASUNCIÓN: Centro Cultural de España Juan de Salazar Tacuari 745, Asunción, Asunción

From March 12th to May 8th 2022, I had my rare scores exposed at the Centro Cultural Juan de Salazar in Asunción (Paraguay). While the exhibition was running, I could make some guided visits and a final performance with people from workshop 'Sacar la voz' (Bring your voice out), in which we read some of […]

MADRID: Presentación de ‘La música durmiente’

MADRID: Sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE Fernando VI, 4, Madrid, Madrid

Patricia García Sánchez presents her book La música durmiente. Quince compositoras de la historia (Sleeping music. Fifteen women composers from History) at Manuel de Falla Auditorium, Madrid: At the presentation, CoroDelantal (ApronsChorus) willperform my piece The Time in a Thread. At this link you can visit the books website and buy it.

LEÓN: ‘Not Today’ @ Auditorio Ciudad de León

LEÓN: Auditorio Ciudad de León Av. de los Reyes Leoneses, 4, León, León

Professional Conservatory 'José Castro Ovejero' from León, presents its project of music written by women, entitled Sin sombrero y sin prejuicios (No hat, no prejuidices), taking as a common thread the figures of Concha Méndez and Maruja Mallo with music by Belén Ordóñez, Clara Wieck, F Decruck, Lili Boulanger, Fanny Hensel, Rosa G Ascot and […]

MADRID-BARCELONA: Campaign ‘Women creator you say’ @ SGAE

MADRID: Sede de la SGAE Fernando VI, 4, Madrid, Madrid

The Spanish Society for Author Rights  (SGAE) lounches for the whole month of March 2022 a campaign to recognize the work done by 200 Spanish women creators from different artistic areas. I'm one of them. In the SGAE headquarters in Madrid and Barcelona, there's a huge poster with all our faces. Media (ES): 2022'II'28: - […]

ALICANTE: Presentation of object-book ‘Mujeres Dadá’

ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

Concert hall of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante Introduction by performer Lucía Peiró and editor Ximo Rochera. Dada meditation by CoroDelantal MACA, performing my choreographic karaoke Chorong Aghui. FREE ENTRANCE  

MADRID: ‘Las diosas y el cuplé’ @ Sala Duncan

MADRID: Sala Duncan Calle Zurita, 23, Madrid, Madrid

The cheeky and funny show by Aldegunda Vegara and Señorita Megías reappears on the Madrid scene! This time it will be at the Sala Duncan in Lavapiés, with Trini Díaz as curator. BOOK YOUR TICKETS


MADRID: Estreno de ‘Sainals’ en Ra del Rey

MADRID: Galería Ra del Rey C/ La Reina, 11, Madrid, Madrid

On the occasion of the presentation of the book-object 'Dada Women', of which I am part, my CoroDelantal (aprons chorus) will premiere my work Sainals, a set of scores-signals that I designed in I-Park (Connecticut) in 2008 and that I finally brought to score now, in 2021, to work with the CoroDelantal MACA.

SORIA: ‘Madera de pájaro’ (quintet) @ La Audiencia

SORIA: Teatro Palacio de La Audiencia Plaza Mayor, s/n, Soria, Soria Quintet: Eva Guillamón, voice and instruments Sonia Megías, voice and instruments Miguel Ángel Real, marimba David Mayoral, ethnic percussion María Ruiz, double bass


VALENCIA: ‘Mujeres Dadá’ book release

VALENCIA: Sporting Club Russafa Calle Sevilla, 5, Valencia, Valencia Publishing house Canibaal has just released this wonderful object-book that contains the work of 16  women artists among which I am. You can buy it in three different formats: - Book (25 €) - Súper (35€) - Special (100€) In this event on November 19, the book is presented to the public in a […]

VALENCIA: ‘Metatrón’ en el VWDC

VALENCIA: Palau de les Arts Av. del Professor López Piñero, 1, Valencia, Valencia

At the opening ceremony of Valencia 2022 World Design Capital, you will see projected my work Metatron, for video and band, with graphic design by Pepe Gimeno, animation by Carlos Cueto and the sound recorded by the Municipal Symphonic Band of Alicante. This act will be celebrated at the big hall of Palau de Les […]

VALENCIA: Dos estrenos en el Palau de la Música

VALENCIA: Palau de la Música Passeig de l'Albereda, 30, Valencia, Valencia

  Alenza Trio Estíbaliz Ruiz, mezzosoprano Mayte García Atienza, violoncello Renata Casero, piano   Program Frank Bridge ................................. Three Songs I. Far, far from each other Joseph Glaeser .............................. Vier Lieder II. Kein Echo IV. Lockung Gabriel Fauré ................................ Les Berceaux* Jules Massenet .............................. On dit! Manuel de Falla ............................. Siete Canciones Populares* 1. El […]


MADRID: ‘Goddesses and couplet’ back to the stage

MADRID: Sala Duncan Calle Zurita, 23, Madrid, Madrid

The cheeky and funny show by Aldegunda Vegara and Miss Megías reappears on stage after two years of fallow! This time it will be at the Sala Duncan in Lavapiés, with Trini Díaz as curator.


MADRID: ‘Not Today’ en Las noches del Monumental

MADRID: Teatro Monumental C. de Atocha, 65, Madrid, Madrid

At the festival 'Las noches del Monumental', the Jorge Lujua Trio will give a concert on cabaret music. Among their songs, we'll have the premiere of Not Today in its version for bass and piano, dedicated to singer Jorge Lujua, with lyrics by Eva Guillamón and music by Sonia Megías. Tickets here.


PONFERRADA: ‘SoLnatina’ @ Halffter Festival

PONFERRADA: Teatro Bergidum C. Ancha, 15, Ponferrada, León

Pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro performs my piece 'SoLnatina' in a concert of music written by women.   Press: 2021'X'19: Dos brillantes conciertos cierran el Festival de Música Contemporánea Cristóbal Halffter de Ponferrada, por COPE Castilla y León. 2021'X'18: Spanish Brass e Isabel Pérez cierran esta semana el Festival de Música Contemporánea, por Bierzo TV.  


CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: My arrangements by the OCM

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Teatro Cervantes Calle Soledad, 2, Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real

Wonderful Ciudad de La Mancha Orchestra celebrates its 10 years with this concert made of my arrangements at the Cervantes Theater of Campo de Criptana (Ciudad Real). Tickets online here. Tickets in presence on October 9th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Pósito Real. I invite you to listen to part of the […]


ALICANTE: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MACA) Plaza de Santa María, 3, Alicante, Alicante

CASTELLÓN: ‘Chelo en el mar’ en el Festival Ensems

CASTELLÓN: Auditorio y Palacio de Congresos Av. de la Mare de Déu del Lledó, 50, Castellón de la Plana, Castellón

As part of the Ensems Festival of Contemporary Music, cellist Elena Solanes presents her pedagogic project in which my piece 'Chelo en el mar' is included. This piece will be performed by young cellist Alejandro González Gil. It was premiered some months ago in Valencia by Daimar Peña Solanes.

VALENCIA: Premiere of ‘Chelo en el mar’ by Yaimar Peña Solanes

VALENCIA: Conservatorio Profesional José Iturbi Av. de les Balears, 38, Valencia, Valencia As part of the didactic project impulsed by cellist Elena Solanes, the book 'El nuevo universo de Chelo', in which there are four commissioned works for learning this instrument, is presented in Valencia. Among these four pieces is 'Chelo in the sea', a graphic work in which I intentionally do not use time signatures, […]

TENERIFE: Premiere of ‘Suite de Alejandría’

TENERIFE: Museo de la ciencia y el cosmos Av. de los Menceyes, 70, San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

  Here you can download the festival's Hand program. Media: 2021'VI'21 - Tenerife acoge el ciclo 'Hoy, compositoras', dedicado a la creación femenina contemporánea. Revista Scherzo. 2021'VI'21 - La Fundación SGAE celebra el ciclo 'Hoy, compositoras' este martes en el Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos. Diario de avisos. 2021'VI'08 - La Fundación SGAE […]

LEGANÉS: ‘Pequeña suite peninsular’ by Sexteto Mayrit

LEGANÉS: Teatro José Monleón Av. Mar Mediterráneo, 24, Leganés, Madrid

Sexteto Mayrit (Madrid Sextet) performs again my 'Pequeña Suite Peninsular' inside this show! You can listen to the piece and purchase the sheetmusic from this link:  

COLMENAREJO: Impro workshop

COLMENAREJO: Centro Cultural Calle Campana, 5, Colmenarejo, Madrid

We don't know more info yet, but Colmenarejo's Cultural Center together with the Town Music School is organizing this workshop for the spring of 2021, since we couldn't do it in the spring of 2020 within my IX MONO+GRAPHIC.

MADRID: ‘SoLnatina’ at the Juan March Foundation

MADRID: Fundación Juan March Calle de Castelló, 77, Madrid, Madrid

  Media: 2021'V'16 - Mujeres músicas. Diario de El Ferrol. 2021'V'16 - La pianista Isabel Pérez Dobarro en la Fundación Juan March. El Correo Gallego. 2021'V'15 - Mujeres músicas. Galicia Ártabra Digital. 2021'V'12 - La pianista Isabel Pérez Dobarro interpreta obras de ocho compositoras actuales en la Juan March. Platea Magazine

BUITRAGO: Estreno de ‘Picasso no acaba nunca’

BUITRAGO DEL LOZOYA: Museo Picasso Plaza de Picasso, 1, Buitrago del Lozoya, Madrid

The Picasso Museum in Buitrago del Lozoya (Madrid) has invited Dúa de Pel to premiere there our show 'Picasso no acaba nunca' (Picasso never ends) with accordion player Teresa Manzanero. This show is inspired in poems by painter Pablo Picasso, with music by Sonia Megías and playwright/staging by Eva Guillamón.

NUEVA YORK: ‘Metatrón’ en la Experimental Intermedia Foundation

NUEVA YORK: Experimental Intermedia 224 Centre St # 3, New York, New York

Videoartist and curator Katherine Liberovskaya programs in her festival SCREEN COMPOSITIONS my piece Metatrón, for video and band, with graphic design by Pepe Gimeno and motion graphics by Carlos Cueto.   From the following link you can watch all the projected videos:    

BADAJOZ: Estreno de ‘Popurrí cuplé’, encargo del CNDM

BADAJOZ: Teatro López de Ayala Plaza Minayo, s/n, Badajoz, Badajoz

Ensamble Sonido Extremo, conducted by Jordi Francés, premieres my Popurrí Cuplé, suite de piezas de género ínfimo, commissioned by the National Center of Music of Spain. It will be inside the 12th Contemporary Music Season of Badajoz (Extremadura, Spain), as a tribute to singer Olga Ramos, born in this town. Our soloist will be soprano […]

CORME: Residency at the Museum of Contemporary Art Costa da Morte

CORME-PORTO: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Costa da Morte Rua Real 14, Corme-Puerto, Coruña

The Torre-Pujales Foundation has granted Dúa de Pel (Eva Guillamón & Sonia Megías) to enjoy two months in their artists appartment. During this period, they'll make performances and instalations for the institution. To know more about the museum, feel free to visit these links: - from Trip Advisor - from Escapada Rural To know more […]

MADRID: ‘SoLnatina’ @ Casa de América

MADRID: Casa de América Plaza Cibeles, s/n, Madrid, Madrid

The program at the concert by pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro will have pieces by Albéniz, Falla, López Graça, etc. SoLnatina is a youth piece for piano solo. You can download the sheetmusic from the following link.

VALENCIA: Talk with Pepe Gimeno at CCCC

VALENCIA: Centre del Carme C/ Museo, nº 2, Valencia, Valencia

MADRID: ‘No salir – no comer’ en la Sala Berlanga

MADRID: Sala Berlanga Calle de Andres Mellado, 53,, Madrid, Madrid

The Sala Berlanga in Madrid has programmed Dúa de Pel's shortfilm No salir - no comer (Don't exit - don't eat). Tickets are free and projections are December 8 and 10 2020. See program above.

MADRID: Jury at SGAE-CNDM young composers awards

Last October I was on the jury of the SGAE-CNDM Young Composers Award. From the 49 submitted works, we chose four of them anonymously. Great joy to see that there were two women and two men, total parity. The concert will take place on Monday, November 23rd with the four winning works: Disintegrated Strata by […]

MADRID: My choral arrangementa at museum Reina Sofía

MADRID: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Calle Santa Isabel, 52, Madrid, España

My choral arrangements on popular songs with lyrics by Guy Debord will be sung by social choruses Malvaloca, Corofón and Voces de ida y vuelta at the Auditorium 400. National Museum of Contemporary Art 'Reina Sofía'. Here you can see the first pages of each of them: You can download the sheetmusic in EdicionesDelantal.

VALENCIA: ‘Grafía cantada’ en el CCCC

VALENCIA: Centre del Carme C/ Museo, nº 2, Valencia, Valencia The Center Carmen of Valencia (museum of contemporary art of the Valencian Region) is projecting my video-score Grafía Cantada, co-created with Pepe Gimeno, from October 22nd 2020 to January 24th 2021 as part of the exhibition Cultura Online, curated by Nuria Blaya. And also at Consorci de Museus' web inside project #CMCVaCasa. The opening […]

MADRID: Premiere of ‘Not today’ at the National Auditorium

MADRID: Auditorio Nacional de Música Calle del Príncipe de Vergara, 146, Madrid, Madrid

Not today, commissioned by Rosa Torres-Pardo with funding by the National Department of Music. Text by Eva Guillamón and music by Sonia Megías

ALICANTE: Premiere at the ADDA

ALICANTE: Auditorio de la Diputación (ADDA) Paseo Campoamor, S/N, Alicante, Alicante

On september 22nd 2020, the Alicante Town Band will premiere my piece 'Metatrón', with graphic design by Pepe Gimeno and animation by Carlos Cueto, at the Provincial Auditorium of Alicante, as a part of the Ensems Festival of Contemporary Music. More info:

PAMPLONA: ‘Kriám namá’ at NAK Festival

PAMPLONA: Baluarte - Auditorio de Navarra Plaza del Baluarte s/n, Pamplona, Navarra   Dúa de Pel collaborates with ensemble Garaikideak on Saturday 19th to premiere KR2: Kriám Namá, a work composed for this gathering among voices, txistus and cello. The commission for the work comes from the NAK Festival of contemporary music of Navarra, which in 2020 has Sonia Megías as guest composer. Here you […]


FUNDACIÓN SGAE: Estreno online de ‘Second Ripple’ por Iris Azquinezer

MADRID: Sala Berlanga Calle de Andres Mellado, 53,, Madrid, Madrid

Music festival Hoy, Compositoras from Fundación SGAE will be online this year. In it, chelist and singer Iris Azquinezer premieres my piece Second Ripple, from series Splash and Ripples, that I started in New York City some years ago. You can watch festival and my work in this YouTube playlist from Thursday, July 16th at 11:00. Media: 2020'VII'09, Notimérica: Anna Margules […]

Entrevista online, por Isabel Pérez Dobarro

Galician pianist Isabel Pérez Dobarro, resident in New York, interviews about my musical life inside her series  'Women and Music:


As part of the activities of Federación Coral de Madrid during confinement, I give this talk to conductors, singers and curious people in general. Moderator is Alfonso Calvo, the Federation's president.

MADRID: Cuadros sónicos, App with my music

In March 2020 is finally born the project Cuadros sónicos, in which I wrote the music for five paintings from the permanent collection and I wrote the texts along with Ana Gómez from EducaThyssen. These works are on App ‘Second Canvas Thyssen’: La asunción de la Virgen, by  Johann Koerbecke; La rendición de los rebeldes sicilianos […]


COLMENAREJO: Centro Cultural Calle Campana, 5, Colmenarejo, Madrid Some pictures:

MADRID: ‘Perpetua chorea’, premiere of my ‘Danzas migrantes’ at the Thyssen Museum

MADRID: Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza Paseo del Prado, 8,, Madrid, Madrid

Premiere of my piece 'Danzas migrantes' (migrant dances), commissioned by National Museum Thyssen-Bornemisza and Fundación BBVA, by plectrum orchestra Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha. In this concert, other dances were performed, among them, my 'Tres pequeñas piezas' (three little pieces), and we danced soooo much... Click here for more info.

MADRID: Estreno de ‘El movimiento, mejor compartido’ en el Museo Thyssen

MADRID: Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza Paseo del Prado, 8,, Madrid, Madrid

Info and reservations: With participation of Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha, conducted by Fernando Bustamante Manjavacas. Staging by Eva Guillamón. Musical composition and general coordination: Sonia Megías. Three pases, each one with 25 people in the audience: 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm At 8:00 pm, big dance at the hall (Perpetua chorea).

MADRID: Woman and Identity in El Salvador (Casa de América)

MADRID: Casa de América Plaza Cibeles, s/n, Madrid, Madrid Round table WOMAN AND IDENTITY IN EL SALVADOR was organized by Casa de América (Spanish Cooperation) with the following participants: Estela Patriz, singer and indigenous leader Beatriz Alcaine, artist and cultural impulser Margarita Marroquín, artist and shaman Sonia Megías, curator

MADRID: Jury of AEOS-FBBVA symphonic award

MADRID: Sede de la Fundación BBVA Paseo de Recoletos, 10, Madrid, Madrid

10 edition of the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras - BBVA Foundation Composition Award   Media: 2019'XI'20 ABC: 'Alen' de Eduardo Soutullo gana el X Premio de Composición AEOS-Fundación BBVA La voz de Galicia: 'Alén', del compositor poneareán Eduardo Soutullo, gana el X Premio de Composición AEOS-Fundación BBVA La verdad: 'Alen' de Eduardo Soutullo gana […]

VALENCIA: Mesa Redonda en el Palau de la Música

VALENCIA: Palau de la Música Passeig de l'Albereda, 30, Valencia, Valencia

PROGRAM (in Valencian) DIMECRES 15 17 h - Acte d’apertura. 17.30 h - Taula Redona: “Reflexions al voltant de la percussió en la creació cotemporània I” - Francisco Zacarés. Conservatori de Torrente - Emilio Calandín. ConservatoriProfessional de Música, de Castelló. - Claudia Montero, Compositora. - Miguel A. Berbis. Conservatori Superior de Música, de Castelló - […]

VALENCIA: Taller y XVI Procesión Armónica en el Festival Ensems

LA NAU - Universidad de Valencia Carrer de la Universitat, 2, Valencia, Valencia Workshop on vocal experimentation with Cristina Cubells at Matilde Salvador Hall, La Nau (University of Valencia), and 16th Harmonic Procession by the most populated streets around.     Media: 2019'IV'29.- Beckmesser: Invasión Ensems

MADRID: ‘Conde Duque enCantado’ workshop and actions

Auditorio del Conde Duque Calle Conde Duque, 9, Madrid, Madrid

16th Harmonic Procession:   Choral action, with 400 singers:   Media: Ayuntamiento de Madrid: Conde Duque enCantado Federación Coral de Madrid: Performance coral en el Conde Duque con Sonia Megías 3/04/2019 Somos Malasaña: Conde Duque enCantado: ¿pueden cantar 800 personas juntas?

MADRID: VIII Mono+Graphic

Auditorio del Conde Duque Calle Conde Duque, 9, Madrid, Madrid   Music is the most democratic art, it does not understand about ages or knowledge, it simply goes through corporalities: it is able of playing unsuspected and precipitating keys to joy or collapse in just a few seconds. Sounds directly connect with the emotions and are translated into the gesture, the dance, the externalization […]

Carmen Pardo: “The influence of John Cage…”(ENG)

Artículo de Carmen Pardo Salgado: The Influence of John Cage on Spanish Experimental Music " The ‘bridge generation’ encompasses José Manuel Beren- guer (b. Barcelona, 1955) and the aforementioned Zavala and Galán. For the second group, born in the 1970s and the 1980s, Barber is the central figure. Montserrat Pala- cios (b. Mexico, 1975), Isaac […]

MADRID: Premiere of ‘Aria de Gea’ by Anna Tonna & Isabel Pérez Dobarro

Instituto Internacional de Madrid Calle Miguel Ángel, 8, Madrid, Madrid

Reserva de entradas: Prensa: 2018'X'24. Melómano: Mujeres en música tendrá lugar el 21 de noviembre 2018'XI'11. Diario de El Ferrol: Mujeres en música 2018'XI'16. Doce Notas: II Mujeres en Música, Women in Music, una celebración del pasado y presente de las mujeres compositoras 2018'XI'20. Beckmesser: Mujeres en música, Women in music 2018'XI'25. Diario de […]

MADRID: Presentation of book Bubo

MADRID: Sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE Fernando VI, 4, Madrid, Madrid

Here you can learn the song Bubo:   Here you can download Bubo's App: Other links: SGAE: Pedro Vaquero presenta ‘Bubo’, un cuento interactivo para desarrollar la inteligencia emocional en los niños  RNE: Bubo en La Pequeteca

MÓSTOLES: End of the year, project Triángulo

MÓSTOLES: Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo Avda. Constitución 23, Móstoles, Madrid

Project Triángulo worked from November 2017 to may 2018. It consisted in three artists intervention into three collectives from the city of Móstoles (Madrid, Spain): - Julián Mayorga at Rodolfo Halffter's Conservatory - Luz Prado at Beato de Rojas' School - Sonia Megías with 'Un Coro Amateur' (experimental chorus) at Centro de Arte Dos de […]

MADRID: 15th Harmonic Procession at Puerta del Ángel neighborhood

MADRID: La puerta azul Calle Santa Úrsula, 7, Madrid, España

Go to this link to aproach project 'Habitar el barrio' (inhabit the neighborhood), in which we carried this procession. Television:                                              La aventura del saber  - 11/09/18   Stickers:    

MADRID: XIV Procesión Armónica en el Parque de El Retiro

MADRID: Parque de El Retiro Parque de El Retiro, Madrid, Madrid We'll start the procession at 4:30pm at Retiro subway station, inside the park. We'll walk through the drawn map to end at the white piano inside Esther Ferrer's exhibition, inside Velazquez Palace (luckily, there's heating there). Graphic documents:  

MADRID: Dando voces in December

Asociación Cultural Gruñidos Salvajes Mira el río baja, 4, Madrid, Madrid

  What: Open mic 'Dando voces' for vegetable exchange. Who: Me at the piano, and whoever want to sing! You don't have to have a great voice, you don't need to read music, only you need to like people and spend a while with us! Here you have the songbook in pdf, and in the […]

ARGENTINA: Dúa de Pel on tour

Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires

  2017'V. Pekín. Dúa de Pel live at the National Chinese TV After our Chinese tour... Let's go to Argentina! Sunday 24.09 - Concert at the Cultural Center 'Resurgimiento' at 7:00 pm - C/Artigas 2262 CABA Monday 25.09 - Folkyoumondays at 'La Dama de Bollini' at 10:30 pm.- Pasaje Bollini 2281 Tuesday 26.09 to Saturday […]

MADRID: ‘Somos naturaleza’ osm99# at the Royal Theater

Teatro Real de Madrid Plaza de Isabel II, s/n, Madrid, Madrid What: Great premiere of my cantata SOMOS NATURALEZA. For narrator, choir, children's choir, piano, chamber orchestra and children's orchestra. Libretto: Eva Guillamón Music: Sonia Megías Pianist: Rosa Torres-Pardo Choral conductor: Nuria Fernández Orchestral conductor: Javier U. Illán Who: Choirs and orchestras by Fundación Acción Social por la Música (El Sistema de Venezuela in Spain) Where: Main […]

MADRID: Spring Equilux Dailybell

Templo de Debod Calle Ferraz, 1 , Madrid, Madrid

¡Disfrutemos la puesta de sol desde el lugar más bonito en Madrid!

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha plays my arrangements

CAMPO DE CRIPTANA: Teatro Cervantes Calle Soledad, 2, Campo de Criptana, Ciudad Real

Orquesta Ciudad de La Mancha, conducted by Fernando Bustamante, has very peculiar components: Solo voice Flute Oboe Bandurrias I / Mandolinas I Bandurrias II / Mandolinas II Lutes Flamenco guitar Classical guitars Double bass 2 percussions Accordion Piano In this concert in honor to Santa Cecilia, they're going to play the four arrangements I wrote for […]


MADRID: ‘Mal(in)con(i)ci’ osm33v1 at the Centro+Centro

Centro+Centro Plaza de Cibeles, 1, Madrid, Madrid

The COMA Festival, organized by the Composers Association of Madrid, presents Ensemble Kuraia, that will premiere Mal(in)con(i)ci in its version for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and piano. With vídeo by Paola Boioli (Milano).

NEW YORK: 11th Harmonic Procession

Empire State Building 350 5th Ave, Nueva York, Nueva York

  From Empire State Building main door (12pm) to McSorley's old ale house (1pm), where we'll celebrate the gathering. Come with your voice or instrument! Stickers: Pictures:            


NEW YORK: Dúa de Pel @ the Ripley Grier Studios

Ripley Grier Studios 939 Eigth Ave, Studio 2A, New York, New York   Our show 'Planeta Pel' found a new place where to be shown! Thanks to Margarita Danielian and Arnie Vargas, who are great organizers! We need you to book your seat before October 5th to show your interest. Please, send an e-mail to Arnie Vargas including your name and your phone number.


LONG ISLAND: Dúa de Pel @ Adelphi University

LONG ISLAND: Adelphi University 1 South Ave, Garden City, New York

  Professor Ana Isabel Simón has invited Dúa de Pel to give a talk-recital for her students @ Adelphi University. For RSVP, please write to Ana Isabel to:  

NEW YORK: Dúa de Pel @ the Juilliard School

Juilliard School of Music 60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, New York Professor Ricardo Llorca invited us to give a masterclass and a recital as a part of his seminar 'The influence of Spanish folklore in Classical music'. The class-recital will be in a classroom of the school, RSVP @ professor Ricardo Llorca's e-mail: Thanks! Looking forward!


STONY CREEK (CT, USA): Dúa de Pel presents ‘Planeta Pel’

Woerner's barn 299 Thimble Islands Road, Stony Creek, Connecticut   RSVP at   PROGRAM 6:30pm - Guests welcome and cocktail hour 7:15pm - Performance Followed by Dinner (no need for pot luck, we will do big simple meal like vegetarian chili with rise & salad). Maximum dinner guests approx 24. We will pass a hat for a donation. Performance and Festivities in the Woerner Barn, […]


NEW YORK: Dúa de Pel @ the North Brooklyn Music Salon

North Brooklyn Music Salon 330 wythe avenue, apt. 4G, Brooklyn, New York

2015'V. Planeta Pel, del artista salvadoreño Renato Mira   We're very lucky of having been invited by the Sevillan-Newyorker artist Marta Hernández, founder and vocalist of Mar Salá Band, invites us to sing our 'Planeta Pel' in one of her musical gatherings. ¡Yeeehaaaa! The gathering consists in bringing each one some food and, after the show we'll share […]


NEW YORK: Dúa de Pel as invited artists @ NYU

Steinhardt School, New York University 35 West 4th Street, Nueva York, NY

2016'X'9. Dúa de Pel en NYU   Professor Nancy Shankman invited Eva and me as models of international artists to encourage music educators at their welcome to NYU. The party for the graduate students of Music Education will be at room 303 of the Steinhart School of Music (my school during my Fulbright fellowship!). So Dúa de Pel […]


FUENCARRAL: 10th Harmonic Procession

Poblado dirigido de Fuencarral Metro Fuencarral, Madrid, Madrid

Inside Veranos de la Villa Festival (Madrid Government). In collaboration with edible art collective Ali&Cía. Poster:   This time there was no stickers, because the procession had the function of inviting citizens to the workshops that we were giving during the following week. Map: Pictures by Juanma Aragón:


MIRA: IX Procesión armónica

Mira (Cuenca) Mira, Cuenca

As an activity of Centro Dramático Rural (CDR). Curated by Adolfo Simón. [youtube] Map: Stickers:


ARTÍCULO: ‘Mis jefas, las musas’

ROZAS: Instituto El Burgo Av. de España, 141, Las Rozas de Madrid, Madrid

La revista 'Rescoldo', dirigida por la musicóloga Cecilia Piñero, me pide este artículo que surge del taller que les impartí sobre experimentación coral:

My scores in Expoclásica

Auditorio del Conde Duque Calle Conde Duque, 9, Madrid, Madrid

In december 2015 I exposed my rare scores at Mujeres en la Música stand in the international fair Expoclásica.

ALMANSA: Talk and didactic concert on my music

Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Almansa Calle Virgen de Belén, 5, Almansa, Albacete

Conservatory 'Jerónimo Meseguer' in Almansa invites me to give a talk on my creations, with the performance of them by the students: PROGRAM: DIVERTIMENTO. Primer movimiento · osm14#1 (Almansa, 2001) MªJosé Castillo (Violín), Sofía Pina (Violín), María Sánchez (Viola), Carmen García (Violoncello)   PEQUEÑO FAGOT · osm11# (Almansa, 2000) * Pascual Martínez (Fagot), José Juan […]

MADRID: 7th Mono+Graphic

MADRID: Sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE Fernando VI, 4, Madrid, Madrid

Alfredo Carrión, curator PROGRAM RiChiamo* (2012) in the version for piano and string quartet RCSMM (Royal Conservatory of Madrid) ensemble. Sebastián Mariné, conductor Elisa, Para** (2007) for alto sax and piano Felipe Zaragozí, sax Jorge Jambrina, piano Pequeña guitarra*+ (1999-2004) for solo guitar Pilar Rius, guitarra Sonata (2002) for violín and piano Pablo Gastaminza, violín Hortensia […]

ORIHUELA: Dúa de Pel on Miguel Hernández

ORIHUELA: Biblioteca María Moliner Plaza Salud, 1, Orihuela, Alicante

On October 31st 2014, a day after the anniversary of poet Miguel Hernández death, Dúa de Pel performs 'De la raíz a la hoja' a theatrical-musical happening at the festival Abierto de Acción, in Orihuela (Alicante), as a tribute to the poet. This was the first happening of Dúa de Pel, that was born that […]

ALTEA: Concierto monográfico Sonia Megías ‘Instru-Mentando’

ALTEA: Plaza del agua Plaza del agua, Altea, Alicante

Music summercamp MUSA. Felipe Zaragozí, director Festival 'Nits al so del aigua'. Altea (Alicante) Some pieces performed by the camp professors: Shelley I, for solo clarinet   Amor y cantilena, for saxophone quartet   Pequeña suite peninsular, para quinteto de viento   JudiCanciones, for brass quintet   Misa RobertAna, for ensemble […]

MADRID: My scores in ‘Más que libros’

MADRID: Colegio de Arquitectos Calle de Hortaleza, 63, Madrid, Madrid

During artist books fairs 'Más que libros' 2013 and 2014 in Madrid, I've been participating with my 'rare scores' as part of Sigilosamente collective, whose leader is Miguel Ángel Invarato. This artists collective has a very special phylosophy that consists in 'sigilar' (sealing) every piece with sealing wax before exposing it, so that they remain closed […]

MADRID: VI Procesión armónica

MADRID: Barrio del centro centro, Madrid, Madrid

6th Mono+Graphic, curated by Almudena Albi Parra, from and to Entredós Foundation (Madrid). [youtube] Map: Stickers:


MADRID: 6th Mono+Graphic

Fundación Entredós Calle Marqués Viudo de Pontejos, 4, Madrid, Madrid Production team: Aludena Albi, curator Juanma Aragón, video Pictures:   PROGRAM (with links to some videos): April 2nd 2014: the opening. - Harmonic procession - Interview - Guided visit to the exhibition   April 9th 2014: the concert. Cantilena from The Monkey (2010) Eva, Reyes, Tania, Julia, Inés, Maika, Luisa, Marta, Sonia Mi habitación […]


MADRID: Dirección del Coro y la Orquesta de la Dignidad

MADRID: Plaza de Colón Plaza de Colón, Madrid, Madrid

The final act for the Dignity Marches (people from all over the country walking towards Madrid, the capital, asking for dignity) was a big concert with more than 1000 people playing and singing, and more than 2 million people listening and celebrating. Police closed the act through violence before we could make a good ending. […]

MADRID: Round table @ Lanau

MADRID: Lanau Calle Mallorca, 4

Round table on Contemporary Music @ coworking Lanau. Iván Caramés, coordinator. Media: 2013'XII'4 - Mundo Clásico. Mesa redonda sobre música contemporánea en Lavapiés

ALMANSA: V Mono+Graphic

ALMANSA: Universidad Popular Calle de Aragón, 19 , Almansa, Albacete PROGRAM (with some links to videos): At 19:00 Cello mantra (2011) choreography for cello, breathing and two bells Ana Belén Berenguer, performance artist Sonia Megías, assistant Loli García, guidance for the audience - Break - At 20:00 La maleta (2009) videoprojection and acting Sonia Megías, performance artist Eduardo Momeñe, video Si pudiera (2002), lyrics […]


BRAOJOS DE LA SIERRA: V Procesión armónica

Braojos de la Sierra Braojos de la Sierra, Madrid

BEA Festival (Braojos Open Scene). Curated by Laura Corcuera as a part of activities from La Selecta, laboratory of arts and sciences of the North Mountains of Madrid. Stickers:   Place: Main streets of Braojos de la Sierra.


ALMANSA: ‘Sensocena’ en Maralba

ALMANSA: Restaurante Maralba Calle Violeta Parra, 5, Almansa, Albacete

With music by Sonia Megías, texts and acting by Eva Guillamón, percussions by Manu Alcaraz and Miguel Ángel Real, and cooking by Fran Martínez.


ALMANSA: 4th Harmonic Procession

ALMANSA: Universidad Popular Calle de Aragón, 19 , Almansa, Albacete

Closing act of Almansa Popular University. Curated by Juan Luis García del Rey, director of the University, and Loli García, yoga teacher. [youtube] Stickers:   Map:


MADRID: 3rd Harmonic Procession

MADRID: Barrio de Prosperidad Calle de Pradillo, 12, Madrid, Madrid

Opening act of Festival Nits d'Aielo i Art. Prosperidad neighborhood - Teatro Pradillo. Curated by Llorenç Barber [youtube]     Stickers:   Map: Pictures:  


MADRID: IV Mono+Graphic

Espacio Ronda Ronda de Segovia, 50, Madrid, Madrid

  PROGRAM (with link to videos): Cello Mantra (2011), choreography for bow, breathing and two bells. Ana Belén Berenguer, performance artist AvShalom (2010), crying for 6 voices for the son of David. Nur Chorus. José Manuel López Blanco, conductor ¿Te acuerdas? (2008), for soprano y piano. Alfonsina Storni, lyrics Estela Ortega, soprano José María Monteagudo, […]


SAN SALVADOR: 2nd Harmonic Procession

SAN SALVADOR: Barrio de Santa Tecla 9 Avenida Sur, Santa Tecla, San Salvador, Centroamérica

Closing act of my work with the National System of Choruses and Orchestras of El Salvador. Curated by Fernando Fajardo, representing the Spanish Cooperation. 2012'IX'8. San Salvador. II Procesión armónica - cartel   Stickers:   Promenade: Paseo de Santa Tecla


NUEVA YORK: I Procesión armónica

Steinhardt School, New York University 35 West 4th Street, Nueva York, NY

Closing act of my Fulbright Grant at the New York University. Curated by professor John Gilbert. [youtube] Stickers: Map: Pictures:


NUEVA YORK: Musical gymkana ‘Desperately Seeking Sonia’

Steinhardt School, New York University 35 West 4th Street, Nueva York, NY

On May 6th 2012, professor John Gilbert curated this musical gymkana as our final work for subject 'Music as a Tool for Spiritual Connection'. This gymkana had several events. Some videos: Some pictures:

NEW YORK: III Mono+Graphic

Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York 211 E 49th St, New York, New York Produced by the Cervantes Institute of New York, while Javier Baldivieso was the administrator and  Javier Rioyo the director. Pictures from the exhibition:   Pictures from the concert:   PROGRAM (with links to the videos): Improvisación de bienvenida · en terrazas y jardín tod@s junt@s Segunda Beckettiana (2010) poema de Eva Guillamón · en […]


NEW YORK: II MONO+GRAPHIC at Experimental Intermedia

NUEVA YORK: Experimental Intermedia 224 Centre St # 3, New York, New York

Video-summary:   Team of producers: Phill Niblock and Katherine Liberovskaya, curators Margarita Danielian, catering Phill Niblock y Fred Bernas, cameras Thessia Machado, flyers design and video edition PROGRAM (with links to the videos): Mal(in)con(i)ci (2004) projection Paola Boioli, video Alessandra Rombola, flute Jesus Aranda, clarinet Pilar Crespo, violin Ana Belen Berenguer, cello German Alonso, Spanish […]


NUEVA YORK: I Mono+Graphic @ SoHo Gallery for Digital Arts

SoHo Gallery for Digital Arts 138 Sullivan St, New York, New York Production team: Merche Blasco, curator María Marinas, coordinator Margarita Danielian, catering Yarisa Colón, special edition for Skins#1 Brian McCann, camera   PROGRAM (with video links): Barcelona 2010 - Invierno Oblicuo (2010) CoroDelantal Skins#1 (2010), dedicated to Patti Kilroy premiere: Patti Kilroy, violin and loop pedal Shelley I (2004), dedicated to José Andrés Pérez […]


ALCALÁ DE HENARES: Concert of my music at the university

On June 26th 2010, Tania R. Manglano and Blanca Aller curated a concert on my music at the University of Alcalá de Henares. This was the preparation of my MONO+GRAPHICs. Vídeos:   Pictures:  

ALICANTE: Estreno de ‘…Es particular’ en el XXV Festival de Música Contemporánea

ALICANTE: Teatro Arniches Av. de Aguilera, 1, Alicante, Alicante

Arniches Theater presents Ensemble L'Espai Sonor, that under Voro García's conduction performs pieces by Aureliano Cattaneo, Alberto Posadas and Sonia Megías, plus Sombra del recuerdo by Voro García himself.   Pictures: Video (in 2 parts): Media: 2009'IX'18 - MundoClásico: Comienza el XXV Festival de Música de Alicante, por Mikel Chamizo. Other media:

MADRID-FRANCIA: Beca Casa de Velázquez

Casa de Velázquez C/ de Paul Guinard, 3, Madrid, Madrid

From January to April 2009 I could enjoy the Grant for spanyards by the artists residency Casa de Velázquez, Academy of France in Madrid. In this place, I met other artists and researcher with which I collaborated and reciprocally nourished:  

CIEZA: Docencia en el Conservatorio

CIEZA: Conservatorio Profesional 'Maestro Gómez Villa' Calle Cadenas, 6,, Cieza, Murcia

The academic year 2007-2008 I was teacher at the Music Conservatory 'Mestro Gómez Villa', in Cieza (Murcia, Spain), teaching the following classes: Analisys Harmony Composition Fundamentals Choral chant After the final concert. June 2008, conservatory's auditorium.

Mi música en la RESAD

MADRID: Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático Avenida de Nazaret, 2, Madrid, Madrid

During academic year 2006-2007 I collaborated as a musician with several projects at the Royal School of Drama of Madrid. Here there's one of them.