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ALICANTE: ‘Diferente a los demás’ with impro at the piano

2024 July 4 / 19:30


2024 July 4



ALICANTE: Sala Altamira, Universidad de Alicante
Av. de Ramón y Cajal, 4
Alicante, Alicante 03001 España
+ Google Map

….One of my favorite things to do in life is improvising with the piano on silent movies. Use them as a video-score for my creations. I have been doing it since 2003, at the Strade del Cinema festival (Italian Alps), for more than 20 years now, and I have often done it at the International Institute of Madrid, working on pieces from the United States.

….In this case, the Vice-rectorate for Equality, Inclusion and Social Responsibility together with the Film and Audiovisual Department of the University of Alicante, under the coordination of Israel Gil, created a LGTBIQ+ Film Festival to celebrate Pride this coming July. In it, I will play three nights: Thursday 4, Tuesday 16 and Tuesday 23.

….All sessions will be at 7:30 close to the sea, so what could be better to do after beach other than coming to the cinema?

….On Thursday, July 4, we’ll watch Different from the Rest, a German gem from 1919 that happens to be the first gay-themed film in the history of cinema. It has thought-provoking content that still feels modern today.