Sonata (video-score)osm84#6

Subtitle:vídeopartitura cocreada con Eva Lootz, para coro a 3 voces
Series:Espirales y laberintos · osm84#
Duration:10 min.
Written in:Santa Pola, 2022'XII

Visual artist Eva Lootz created a paper strip with drawings made with a black marker as a tribute to Japanese poet Matsuo Basho. From this drawings strip is born Sonata, a video-score for three voices represented by three circles: high (yellow), medium (red) and low (blue).

Motion graphics specialist Carlos Cueto gives movement to these three circles based on the following score of movements:


This videoscore has been part of exhibition Cultura Online 2023 at Centro del Carmen Cultura Contemporánea, in Valencia, from May to July 2023. From the following link you can download the Catalog CULTURA ONLINE 2023 in PDF. It’s written in Spanish and Valencian.

These are the two pages that describe the piece: