Enjambre (audio-score)osm101#1

Title:Enjambre (swarm)
Subtitle:audio-score, soundtrack for the film 'Dragonflies with Birds and Snake' by Wolfgang Lehmann
Series:Audio-scores · osm101#
Request of:Ana de Alvear
Instrumentation:voices group with or without instruments
Duration:1 hour
Written in:Madrid

Proposal from audio-score (ear) and video (eye).

This audio-score is a perpetuum glissando that lasts one hour and goes from the lowest frequency of the piano (27’5 Hz) to the highest (4186 Hz). The composer Juan Antonio Lleó has collaborated with me as a technician in the creation of this sine wave, proposing in his glissando that each octave lasts the same.

The film is Dragonflies with Birds and Snake by the Stockholm-based German video artist Wolfgang Lehmann.

Excerpt of the music improvised by CoroDelantal under the direction of Sonia Megías: