MONO+GRAPHICs are the most faithful way of sharing my pieces with the audience, in all their dimensions: musical, visual, choreographical, …
I started this project in a the New York SoHo gallery, and I try to do it always I have the tools around.
I count on performers from different levels and styles, and all very brave and without prejudices. Here you can see something about the past MONO+GRAPHICs:

X Mono+Graphic (2022)
Score and video exhibition, with a choral workshop and performance. Exhibition hall at the Cultural Center Juan de Salazar of Asunción (Paraguay).

IX Mono+Graphic (2020)
Score and video exhibition, guided visits and workshop. Exhibition hall at the Cultural Center of Colmenarejo (Madrid).

VIII Mono+Graphic (2019)
Exhibition of scores and videos. Accompanied by guided visits, performances, concert and workshops. Open spaces, exhibition halls, corridors and auditorium. Centro cultural Conde Duque (Madrid).

VII Mono+Graphic (2015)
Concierto y presentación de la editorial de partituras 'EdicionesDelantal'. Sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE (Madrid).

VI Mono+Graphic (2014)
Exposición y venta de partituras, visitas guiadas, performance y concierto. Fundación Entredós (Madrid).

V Mono+Graphic (2013)
Exposición, performances y concierto. Universidad Popular de Almansa (Albacete).

IV Mono+Graphic (2012)
Exposición de partituras y concierto. Sala de exposiciones y auditorio de Espacio Ronda (Madrid).