Luna blanca (tactile score)osm107#3r

Title:Luna blanca
Subtitle:tactile spherical score-instrument
Series:Moons · osm107#
Dedicated to:Elia Torrecilla, for her 40th birthday
Instrumentation:Group of 5 performers
Duration:4 min.
Written in:Santa Pola, 2024'X

Luna blanca (White Moon) is a spherical score-instrument with the base in polystyreneos, and the path made of nails, screws, pins, tacks, glitter, nail polish and acetone.

Video of the premiere, by 5 soloists of CoroDelantal and the ONCE Fermín Gurbindo Choir for the blind, on November 13th, 2024 at the Musical Library of Madrid, as part of the exhibition of rare scores XI Mono+Graphic: