RAFELBUNYOL: Premiere of ‘Madera, metal y crin’
2024 October 18 / 11:00
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The Rafel Festival of Rafelbunyol (Valencia) presents the creations that composers Nuria Núñez Hierro, Miguel Ángel Bervis, Vicente Roncero, José Javier Peña and myself, have been commissioned by the José Iturbi Conservatory of Valencia.
This project is coordinated by the cello teacher Elena Solanes, and consists on commissions of new pieces for the elementary and middle music studies. A wonderful initiative, in which this is the third book we’ve published. You can find it in this link of the publishing house Piles.
Covers are made by María Aranguren and Clara Hevia, and this book, called L’Encanteri de Valentí, is made up of pieces for violin.
My piece, in particular, is a graphic score called Madera, metal y crin (Wood, Metal and Mane).